Mn-Fr: 8am - 8pm, St-Sn: 8am - 4pm


Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is the well-being of non-human animals. Formal standards of animal welfare vary between contexts, but are debated mostly by animal welfare groups, legislators, and academics.[1][2] Animal welfare science uses measures such as longevity, disease, immunosuppression, behavior, physiology, and reproduction,[3] although there is debate about which of these best indicate animal welfare.

A2 Qualified Milk

A2 milk is a variety of cows' milk that mostly lacks a form of β-casein proteins called A1, and instead has mostly the A2 form.[1] Cows' milk like this was brought to market by The a2 Milk Company and is sold mostly in Australia, New Zealand, China, and the United States. It was sold in the United Kingdom between 2012 and 2019.[2][3] Non-cow milk, including that of humans, sheep, goats, donkeys, yaks, camels, buffalo, and others, also contain mostly A2 β-casein, and so the term "A2 milk" is also used in that context.

Automated Milking

The milking process is the collection of tasks specifically devoted to extracting milk from an animal (rather than the broader field of dairy animal husbandry). This process may be broken down into several sub-tasks: collecting animals before milking, routing animals into the parlour, inspection and cleaning of teats, attachment of milking equipment to teats, and often massaging the back of the udder to relieve any held back milk, extraction of milk, removal of milking equipment, and routing of animals out of the parlour.

Gir And Sahiwal Cow

Gir cows are typically larger and heavier than Sahiwal cows, with a more muscular build and a hump on their backs. They have a distinctive reddish-brown coat with white markings on their face and legs. Sahiwal cows, on the other hand, are smaller and more compact, with a reddish-brown coat that is generally darker than that of Gir cows

Our Shop

Breakfast Ideas

Heat up your mornings with a bowl of warm cereal. Whether you prefer oatmeal, farina, or any other kind of porridge, make your instant version a bit creamier!

Ice Cream

Ice cream is a frozen dessert typically made from milk or cream that has been flavoured with a sweetener, either sugar or an alternative


Sumit Kumar


Usha Kumari


Alok Kumar